
Welcome to my blog of many things…

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

Here you will find posts on various topics from gardening and cooking, to crochet, photography, miniatures and all the things that fill my head. I hope you enjoy.

Project Linus

Have you ever heard of Project Linus? Project Linus is a non-profit organization that “provides security through blankets” to children who have suffered trauma. Here are some great ways you van help provide children with the comfort and security they need.

Whimsical Crocheted Pin Cushion

A quick crochet spotlight on my Whimsical Crocheted Pin Cushion and sharing why I love Lauren Espy’s crochet pattern books so much!

World Photography Day

This World Photography Day, check out some of my personal favorite photos I have taken over the years, and learn about some opportunities you can take advantage of to hone your photography (and editing) skills too.

DIY Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

DIY eco-friendly super easy laundry detergent I have been making (and using) for years. It is made with three ingredients. Borax, Super Washing Soda, Dawn Dish Soap.

6 Homesteading Resources

My favorite homesteading resources – in terms of who to follow on Instagram and what books are good additions to your library or information.


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